Maui 2016 - Lay Over in Vancouver
I've been wanting to post my other trips on here but it was so tedious to scroll back 2 years in my camera roll BUT I realized you can add from albums! So here we go.
In January of 2016 my dad and his siblings planned a trip to Maui, Hawaii, and I knew I had to go. My dad's family is spread out over a few provinces so the chance to see everyone at the same time sealed the deal. I also leaped at the chance to make memories with my Dad and after going to Jamaica with him he was very interested in travelling more.
If you don't follow my fitness blog my dad passed away in May last year after 4 days in the hospital from a massive stroke. I'll forever treasure this trip with him because it was the last one we had together. Seriously people, don't let life pass you by. Spend time with your loved ones and make sure you tell them often how much they mean to you. I had coffee with my dad 3 hours before his stroke. You truly have no idea when they won't be there any more.
Sorry for the feels there but these posts are going to be emotional for me lol. Moving onto the trip: I had a 10 hour layover in Vancouver so luckily I know a few people that live there. I landed at 6 AM and was running on 3 hours of sleep. I honestly could have curled up in a corner of the airport and slept for a bit and I would have been happy haha. But my friend Stephen picked me up from the airport and we went out for brunch before going hiking!
It was cold and raining that day and I hadn't thought about leaving the airport so all I had was a thin sweater and a windbreaker... I was going to Hawaii! Who needs more than that?
We stopped at Stanley Park and took a few pictures but there wasn't much to see and it was blah outside.

Stephen took me to Lynn Canyon for some hiking. I was freezing (because I always am) so he let me use this jacket he had in his trunk. Turns out we didn't read the safety rules...
I was so perplexed by this sign until it was explained to me that people actually use public washrooms like this?! WTF? You'd have to be a) very small and b) very nimble to perch yourself on a toilet in this manner. Honestly I'm impressed.
After our hike Stephen took me back to the airport and my friend Chris met me and took me to the casino for an early dinner. I hadn't seen him in probably 10 years since he moved to BC in middle school. It was nice catching up with him and honestly felt like no time had passed lol.
I was exhausted at this point but it was totally worth visiting these friends and catching the sights Vancouver has to offer! I think my flight was at 5PM so Chris walked me to the gate and I was on my way to Maui!!!
The story continues in the next post 😊
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