New Zealand, Day #1 - Arrival, Long Bay Beach, Muriwai Beach

Friday, February 16, 2018: I left this crappy weather for the warmer climate of New Zealand with my boyfriend to visit his sister and her husband. We flew to Calgary from Winnipeg, then to Vancouver, and then the long stretch of 14 hours to Auckland. The above picture was at the Vancouver airport. I love aquariums! We bought these cool boarding pass and passport holders at Bentley. As we had a pile of boarding passes with three flights and they were on sale for $8! Air New Zealand had some pretty wicked food. Dinner was this paneer and mixed veg with rice, a green salad, fresh fruit, a whole wheat bun, and cheese and crackers. I ate mostly everything for dinner and saved the cheese and crackers for a snack. Breakfast was more Indian food (which I love) of paneer and chick peas with mini naan bread, fresh fruit, and a yogurt. We arrived at the Auckland airport at around 5:30AM Auckland time - which is 19 hours ahead of home. So we...